The Last Mice – Face Animation

In this short 3 minute video, I show off the software I will be using to do face animation for all the characters in The Last Mice.

For all you gamers out there, it’s also worth noting that Unreal Engine 4 was released just last week and I purchased the software a few days ago.  It’s an incredible program that makes it really easy to program your own video games.  I actually created my fair share of video games when I was a teenager, using a program called Klik & Play.  Now that I have my paws on these latest and greatest game creation tools, you can expect to be playing The Last Mice soon on your Playstation 4 or XBox One.

Who knows, the animation I’m working on for The Last Mice might just end up being the intro for a video game.  … 🙂


The Last Mice – Take a Seat

In this short video, I demonstrate how to move a character in 3d space by having Max the Mouse sit in his comfortable chair.  As you can see, there are some new links on the left side bar.  At this stage in the production, it would mean a lot if you would follow a few of our social media sites.  A Facebook “like” can go a long way.  Thank you!


The Last Mice – Title Screen Animation

Here’s a direct link to the title screen animation for The Last Mice:

I’ve been plugging along on this landscape scene for the past week, and it’s coming together quite nicely I think.  I can’t wait to see a giant snake rise from that bay of water.  It’s going to be EPIC.  My goal is to get that scene complete by the end of this week.  It’s spring break and I have lots of time on my hands.

Max’s House – First Look

There is a new “Screen Shots & Concept Art” section to this blog.  As I render out test images for scenes from The Last Mice, I will start to upload them on this page.

I’ve got the very basic layout and texture set complete for the outside of Max’s house.
The next step is to clutter things up a bit to really bring this scene to life and make it appear that someone actually lives there.  Besides Max himself in his rocking chair, I need to add some leaves scattered everywhere, realistic grass and bushes, a tomato plant growing up the side of his house, a broom laying against the railing, and a tea set sitting on a table next to Max.  The scene will open with Max narrating as we see him enjoying a cup of tea and reading his favorite book, “World War S”.

